sexta-feira, 1 de julho de 2011

New beginnings!

And here starts an exciting journey for our senior students at See-Saw Panamby Bilingual School, just 3 days prior to our graduation trip to Whistler/Vancouver, Canada. I am their counselor, English teacher and from now on their safe shoulder in the 3 weeks to come. I’d like everyone to share in their impressions in this space, and that means the students themselves, their parents, people back at school, people who are on vacation, ex-dear-students and everyone who feels like taking part in our adventure.
As for me, I have butterflies in my stomach and can’t wait to be on board with my great 10: Lucas, Isabella, Victória, Guilherme, Mariana, Felipe, Rafael, Camila, Stéfano and Ricardo. With me that makes 11 and this is the year 2011. I guess luck’s blowing our way…
Lia Armelin